What if I can both mark the territory around a soul, and work with empty space?
Draw a line, let my physical hands work with physical matter, and acknowledge the empty void within?
(It isn't really just about that. You see the world is a square and my heart is a circle.
Walk through me.
there is this space.
It lies somewhere in between me and you. I don't know where it is, because I haven't yet found it.
I haven't managed to walk far enough away from my own being.
Never walked into your existence. It's this line around you. Perception. I will never see life the way you see it.
That was always my mistake. I thought I knew everything because I could walk through it all in my mind.
All in my mind.
All in my mind.
Never in your mind.
I didn't realize. I never knew.
I always knew.
Now I know.