So I went to NY. I had my friends wedding. I saw art. I showed art.
I am not sure how I feel about the last part there.
I feel like as an artist you are meant to feel good about showing art. You feel like you should take every possible opportunity to show art. Just show art. But I think better take less opportunities and be selective, to better portray what it is you want to be doing. As a young artist, who is studying and has the freedom to be exploring and maneuvering through the art world maybe now is best to make those decisions, do those bad exhibitions, feel crap, and stand back up. And do it all over again, that is until you have really worked out where your strengths lie, what it is you really want to be doing.

Paintings on a wall. like why Rivka? WHY.
Not that I have anything opposed to paintings on a wall.
I love paint. But it is more the context and how it is orchestrated. Who you are working amongst and what they stand for.
(And in my mind if a painting needs to exist on a wall, even for a limited span of time, it should exist there. Hammer to wall.
Installing art is not about keeping a space 'pretty' and enduring less damage in-order to protect the ability to keep doing the same thing without it actually taking effect, holding a sense of presence without distraction of wires hanging around).
Again, I love painting. I have no opposition to paintings, some of my favorite artworks are in the form of paintings.
I painted these paintings. I did. I dont completely hate them either. But some of them are old and should stay in my past.
Contextually it made sense, but the context belonged in my past too. I want to work with people who love art, truly believe in the art of today, in the possibilities that it can open up. This was more of an event, which was a beautiful gathering of people and expression also representing some artists and showing their artworks. I had a great time, and as far that was concerned I was happy that it was a place where people could gather and have an experience.
I didn't have time in NY to really allow for anything else to happen in my limited timeframe, and I therefore see it more as something small, an experience I decided to take part in (as opposed to a show I would curate or a gathering of contemporary artists in NY whom i haven't met yet). Which I don't regret, it has taught me alot.
It isn't about turning down opportunities, but being selective with what represents what you believe in, what represents the art world as I believe it should be.
I learnt a lot. But again? not so fast. If ever. Paintings, forsure. Like this, not really.

The really lovely part of it was having all of my friends in one place at one time. It was good times. On some level I believe that is what art is really about. And that was special to me. There was something about this that still doesn't sit right with me, but over time it will make more sense in my mind.